Automotive Industry News: Toyota, Peugot and More

Automotive Industry News: Toyota, Peugot and More

This week’s news is dominated by the recent New York International Auto Show, taking place from April 19-28 at the Javits Center in Manhattan. And we’re sure they will be more exciting news to come as the show continues. For now, read on for this week’s top auto news...
Automotive Marketing Lessons from the Retail Crisis 

Automotive Marketing Lessons from the Retail Crisis 

No matter where you land on the spectrum of auto digital marketing expertise, the current “digital Darwinism” that continues to plague the retail industry can teach dealerships some valuable lessons in automotive marketing.     Coined the “retail...
Back to Basics: Automotive Branded Content Best Practices

Back to Basics: Automotive Branded Content Best Practices

Buying a new car is an emotional experience. It’s a big investment, and one of the largest purchases any consumer will make outside of buying a house. So, there is a whole layer of rational research activity and analysis. However, having recently purchased a...
5 Steps to Make Your Dealership Marketing More Efficient

5 Steps to Make Your Dealership Marketing More Efficient

Ever feel stuck in really being able to pinpoint what works in your automotive marketing strategy? Trying to maximize your advertising spend because your dealership marketing budget has shrunk?  We have 5 easy steps to help you make your dealership marketing more...
Back to Basics: Automotive Video Ads Best Practices

Back to Basics: Automotive Video Ads Best Practices

This blog is part of our Back to Basics refresher on automotive marketing best practices in 6 key dealership digital marketing areas: search marketing, social media advertising, email marketing, targeted display advertising, video advertising and branded content...